I'm all for a person being in touch with his/her "inner child"... whatever... but there are just a few things I think we should have conquered as adults by this point. This point being... let's say... over 15.
Throwing up: Aside from food poisoning and freak-isolated incidences (and pregnancy), I think vomiting is strictly a child's ailment. Probably from playing with too many diseased bird feathers.
Still believing that bird feathers are disease-ridden.
Stepping in dog poo: There is absolutely no excuse for this. We are adults. Use a sidewalk.*
Scabbed-over mosquito bites: Come on. Practice some self-control.
Using more pleasant euphemisms for the word 'fart.' It is what it is and your mom was lying when she said it was a swear word.
Enjoying the taste of Capri Sun: Also goes for Sunny Delight (SunnyD!)... they both make me feel like I just snacked on Chapstick.
Sprinting: Unless you are at a gym or in some kind of sophisticated race... sprinting anywhere is just a bit shameful... unless of course someone is "timing" you. *That was a test*
I like things like chicken strips just as much as the next self-respecting adult, but there comes a time and place when we just need to buckle down and order the lobster.
*Credit to Kristine for bringing this to my attention
Serunya Permainan Lego
8 years ago